82 SPECIAL STATUTES APPLICABLE TO • tion, by such person or persons as the said comptroller shall appoint for that purpose, so that each denomination of such circulating notes shall all he of the sa/me similitude, and bear the uniform signature of such register, or one of such registers. (28) ontransfer § 2. Whenever any person or association of persons, faS^'note?" foi'mcd for the purpose of banking under the provisions of S''by wmp' this act, shall legally transfer to the comptroller any portion socistions. of the public debt now created, or hereafter to be created, by the United States, or by this State, or such other States of the United States as shall be approved by the comptrol¬ ler, such person or association of persons shall be entitled to receive from the comptroller an equal amount of such circulating notes, of different denominations, registered and countersigned as aforesaid : but such public debt shall in stock to be all cascs be, or be made to be, equal to a stock of the State equal to 5 rtook^ot'this producing five per cent, per annum ; and it shall not be *'***¦ lawful for the comptroller to take any stock at a rate above its par value. (29) 8 3. S uch person or association of persons are hereby au- iuttoHzed to thorized, after having executed and signed such circulating .IS money, notes in the manner required by law, to make them obliga¬ tory promissory notes, payable on demand, at the place of (28) § 1 amended, May 26, 1841 {Laws 1841, chap. 319, p. 309, § 6), by excluding therefrom the words, " all be of the same similitude and." See Act of May 26, 1841, j)OS«. By § 8 of the act of AprU 15th, 1854 (Laws 1854, chap. 242, p. 551), it is enacted, that the " circulating notes delivered to individual bankers, shall express only the individual liability of the banker issuing them, and shall be signed by him only, and not by any attorney or agent." See this act, post. (29) § 2 amended so as to make it unlawful for tlfe comptroller or the Superintendent of the Banlc Department to receive any State stocks except